A few days ago, Shih Ming invited me to join a group which she was in called Team Hyper Gila (Gila=Crazy) in Facebook. While I told her that I'm pretty a quiet person, she said it was OK. So with no hesitation, I joined. But hey, what has it go to do with this entry's title? Hmm...
I failed in my attempt to run a 100KM weekly mileage during the Hell Week training back in October 2008. 5 months down the road, I successfully did it! After 4 back to back runs (did 5 actually, but the first wasn't included in the week) coupled with a marathon distance run, I'm proud to achieve 116.01KM in a week. A first for me to break the 100KM barrier.
My training log (22 March 2009 - 28 March 2009)...
The 4 back to back runs peaked at 25KM the longest, which was a night run I mentioned in the previous entry, and 10KM being the shortest. Then with 2 days of rest, came Saturday as I prepare to run a marathon distance. I kept a low profile on this and only Lynn knows about it. Besides, it was about this time 17 years ago that my life took a change. I guess this is how I remember that faithful day, by running.
I started my run from the Bukit Aman car park at 3.45am, running into the darkness of Kenny Hills. I must admit that area especially the "S" bend corner which was pitch black send shivers down my spine. I just kept running and telling myself not to look back. Once I arrived at the Jalan Tungku area, I was just relieved when the street lamps were doing it's job. I continued on to Sri Hartamas via the Solaris route for safety reasons but that couldn't prevent me from bumping into party goers who made fun of me while driving pass. Didn't want to be bother too much about it, I continued with my journey.
I did not stop to refuel as I had my own water supply with me. Besides, I soon realised that my pace was a little too slow to allow me to arrive back at the car park to meet up with the others for the second half of my run. Therefore, I up my pace on the return trip running through the pitch black Kenny Hills again. Soon enough, I arrived back safely with cheers from Lynn. THANKS! Though not a race, it really meant a lot. The others (Lionel, Luc, Loke, Victor, Chin Chin and Seow Ping) looked pretty surprised by what I did though, before I elaborated more. And sorry too if anyone had wanted to strike a conversation with me when I arrived back, as I was tired and probably blur that I couldn't respond or hear properly. My apologies.
Refueled myself and changed into a dry top before the start of the second half. By the time I arrive at the Jalan Tungku stretch again, my energy was running a little low, and the rest were already pretty far ahead. Took a GU Gel and immediately I felt the effect. Sugar rush with caffeine! I began my chase and towards the Solaris route, I managed to catch up before slowing down again at Mont Kiara.
Refueled at the Petronas station and bumped into Mohan. Had a pretty long rest here while chatting and this took its toll on me. My stomach bloated up and I had trouble regaining the momentum, dragging myself alone back to where I came from as the others disappeared in the distance. Along the trip back, I got a little worried about the girls as no guy runners were around them. With unwanted cases involving female runners nowadays, I tried to give chase but to no avail. It was only back at the car park that all my fear were lifted as I saw both of them back safely.
At the end of it, I was really satisfied with my run. Never had I run so far for my training and I'm glad I didn't stop except for refueling. Maybe I'm Gila after all. Haha...
*Updated: I ran a 19.32KM the next day at a very slow pace.